September 2022

Parent Scout Outing: (by historian Spencer Nichols)

Interview with SPL Alexander Lo

The Parent Scout Outing starts the 2022-2023 scout year as Troop 42’s first outing of the year. Occurring as a Troop 42 tradition for the past few years, the parent scout outing starts the year bringing back together our scout community after a long, relaxing summer. Being one of the biggest outings of the year with over 80 parents and scouts attending, we headed to Mt. Madonna County Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains, arriving early Saturday  morning. Planned by parents of the troop, the day was filled with countless activities including a wiffle ball tournament, Capture the Flag, picking apples, and a terrifying night hike. When the two scouts planning the night hike abandoned Alexander Lo (our new SPL), he had to “take control and lead the group on a path [he] barely knew. In the end, [he] only lost a few people and everyone still had fun so it was okay.”

Parents with their “big egos” ultimately won the wiffle ball tournament against senior patrol although “it was not completely fair because senior patrol had already played 3 games before.” Another recurring tradition took place with the parents hosting an amazing barbeque that all the scouts thoroughly enjoyed both eating and cleaning up after. One of the favorite activities from the scouts was picking apples from a local apple farm where they bought apple pies and took apples back to camp where they made an exquisite apple cobbler (that was also very fun to clean up). Starting off this year with a blast, it’s safe to say that the parent scout outing this year was a rousing success. 

Troop 42 Newsletters

Newsletter April 2022

By Brandon L

On the weekend of April 29, Troop 42 attended Camporee at Boulder Creek Scout Reservation for the first time in recent troop history. It was a very eventful and fun weekend, from Friday to Sunday. On Friday, the troop had a campfire while our SPL and our ASPL went to Cracker Barrel, a meeting of SPLs to go over information about Camporee.


On Saturday morning, the day started off with a delicious breakfast and then a camp-wide flag ceremony with 20 patrols. Afterwards, each patrol went off to participate in stations, with each one covering a different subject, including fire building, pioneering, archery, and tomahawks.

The patrols competed with each other to win ribbons for their patrol flag. In the evening, the whole camp went to the amphitheater to watch each patrol perform a skit or a song.

Sunday morning, awards were given out after the flag ceremony, and our very own Phoenix and Viking patrols won 2nd and 3rd place respectively for overall best patrol. Viking patrol also won the most spirited patrol in camp. Camporee was a great success, and many scouts agree it was the most fun outing of this past scouting year. Hope to see you at Camporee next year!
